Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Anticipation at Menendez headquarters

With polls now closed in Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia, and with Sen. Menendez's event about to kick off shortly, the chatter in the room is excited and eager. Staffers and supporters alike are abuzz with results of preliminary exit polling, and the overall mood is optimistic.

As the press sets up and awaits the arrival of Menendez, Lautenberg, Corzine and company, campaign workers passing by shout to each other "We're going to do it!" and "Tonight's our night!" The stage is still empty, but the ever-increasing mass of people gathering in the reception area are talking more excitedly, especially about the Virginia Senate race that is as of yet too close to call.

With less than an hour before New Jersey's polling stations shut down, they won't have long to wait before the real-time results turn all eyes on the giant screens on the sides of the stage.

-- Jonathan Zebrowski in East Brunswick

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